There are many ways you can support the work of the Mission in Bossier. Following are some suggestions for you to consider:
First and foremost we covet your prayers. We ask that you petition our God for guidance and wisdom as we seek to faithfully serve Him in community with one another. Also, please pray the mission makes a difference in the lives of many people in our surrounding area. The humble act of prayer started the mission and this mindset of constantly seeking God's provision, protection and blessing will insure its future in Bossier City.
Liturgical Items
Orthodoxy enjoys a rich and full liturgical life. Our worship engages all the senses and reflects the beauty of God. Therefore, we need altar items, icons, icon stands, processional candles, etc., of the highest craftsmanship and quality as we seek to offer our best to the Lord in our worship. These items are wonderful gifts to give to the mission in the name of a loved one, family member or friend.
Ministry Goods
The mission seeks to employ an 'Incarnational' ministry philosophy. This means we are to empty ourselves of ourselves and, with humility, meet people where they are in our community. Unfortunately, there are many men, women and children in our area that are in desperate need of the basic necessities of life. Please consider bringing food, clothing and hygiene items when you visit the mission. You can either help us distribute these goods through the local pan-Orthodox ministry St. Peter the Merciful or simply donate them to the mission and we will make sure they are delivered to those in need.
Talents and Spiritual Gifts
God uniquely designed each one of us with special talents and spiritual gifts. Quite often, we are not even aware of this until we engage in the communal life of the Church. In order for the mission to function properly, it takes all of us using these blessings from God and working/serving together. One of the best ways to support the mission is by simply doing what God designed you to do within the context of the church. By doing so, you will be investing in something greater than yourself that can literally change the world in which we live.
Financial Gifts
As Christians, we are to have a 'Eucharistic' mindset towards the gifts we receive from God. This means we take the 'first-fruits' of what He blesses us with and we offer them back to our Lord as tithes and offerings. In turn, we receive the benefit of seeing the local church truly engage in the care and cure of the souls of its members and those others, the less fortunate, our Lord has entrusted to us. Please consider partnering with the mission financially as we move forward in developing a well balanced Orthodox presence in the Bossier/Shreveport area.
You can make a donation on our website below. You can also give while attending services or mail your gifts to us. If you want to give by check, please make it out to Holy Nativity.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have about supporting the mission. Your inquiries can be sent to frjasonfoster@gmail.com or you can call us directly at 318-455-4219.