If you are considering becoming an Orthodox Christian, please speak either with Fr Jason or with Fr Silouan. Generally, the process will look like the following:
You attend and participate in the Sunday Divine Liturgy on a regular basis. You stay for coffee hour and visit with Fr Jason or Fr Silouan, and you get to know the parishioners. Usually, after 2-3 months of inquiring into the Orthodox Faith, one of the priests will assess where you are with the Faith, the Church, etc., and will offer to make you a catechumen during a short service just before the Divine Liturgy.
Once you have firmly committed to becoming Orthodox and you are received into the Church as a catechumen, the inquiry phase is over, and you will be expected to begin the catechism program. One sessions begins in April and runs until the Nativity Fast (winter Lent), and another session begins in September and runs until Lent. Depending on the time of year that you are received as a catechumen, you simply will join the next session of the catechism program. The entire process beginning with your inquiry phase until you are received into the Church (either through baptism and/or chrismation) will last between 8 to 12 months.
During your catechumenate, as you are regularly attending the services, participating in various ministries and events, contributing to the well-being of the Church, you will come to know the people of our parish and will choose a sponsor. Toward the end of your catechumenate, either Fr Jason or Fr Silouan will work with you to determine the date of your reception. Traditionally, the Church receives catechumens into the Church on the feast of Theophany (January 6) or at the Divine Liturgy on Holy Saturday, but Nativity (Christmas) and Lazarus Saturday (Saturday before Pascha, or easter) are traditional dates as well.
Before the rites of initiation begin, you will meet with Fr Jason to determine a date for giving your first confession. Thereafter, you will be received into the Church through holy Baptism, Chrismation (anointing with holy oil, that is the seal of the Holy Spirit), and receving of the Holy Eucharist for the first time.